Monday, November 19, 2012

Fungus Hunt

       On Friday my classmates and I were given the task to find many different types of Fungi. To my misfortune, I was unable to participate in the event, and therefore can not describe exactly what was seen. Although, judging from what I've heard, it was pretty exciting. My friends said that just walking around the park they were able to find tons of different types of things, like Lichen, Basidiomycota (Club Fungi) and even Ascomycota (Sac Fungi)! For example, I believe that the Lichens would have most likely been found on trees, logs etc., and most likely varied in shape and form. They could have resembled leaves (Foliose Lichen), or even be flat (Crustose Lichen). As for the Basidiomycota and Ascomycota, I believe they would be found under/ near decaying matter, having their own 'meal'. You can spot them by looking for their fruiting bodies.
     Being on the trip myself would have been quite exciting, but dentistry comes first! I could have gotten to see some things in nature that, as Ms.I said "Some don't have the luxury to walk outside and find..". And in that aspect, it is entirely true, and we're quite lucky to have a forest full of these wonderful things! All in all, I hope that everyone enjoyed themselves, and that the trip was inciting, and everyone was able to come back with a little bit of knowledge.

Because I wasn't able to walk around on Friday, I'm just gonna post 8 pictures of what I think people may have seen:  
Basidiomycota (Mushrooms)
Basidiomycota (Mushrooms)

Foliose Lichen
Foliose Lichen
Crustose Lichen
Ascomycota (Sac Fungi)
Basidiomycota (Club Fungi)

1 comment:

  1. Your pictures are very nice Jordan, you found some good ones which looked very similar to the fungi we found on our walk. In your next blog entry try to talk more about how the activities purpose helped us to understand biology (or what we learned in class) better. Also try to incorporate more facts that we learned in class. Perhaps go through your notes/memory and add those names, lifecycle facts, and concepts to what we saw on our trip. that'll get you full marks for sure! I especially liked your quote integration. This teacher of yours sounds really cool ;) Good one!

    Prep of blog entry-3
    Quality of Content-3
    Personal Reflection-4
